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Welcome to our page, Kiki’s Journey!

About Kiara.

Kiara aka Kiki is named after my favorite Disney princess in the movie “The Lion King 2-Simbas Pride”. I named her that because that’s what she is to me, my cub. All I want to do is protect my little princess who is now a member of the Tripawd pack. ❣️🐾🦁

Kiara has been apart of our family for 9 loving years, & we could not imagine our lives without her by our side. She has a best cousin at home that misses running & playing with her, & still loves her so gently. Kiki loves playing with her hide n’ seek toys, walks to the park, people watching around the neighborhood, & binge watching Netflix. She’s our best friend, our emotional support dog, our protector, & there’s nothing her pawents wouldn’t do for her.❤️‍🐾

How it started.

Kiki hasn’t been able to put pressure on her front right paw for about a month. Within this month my husband and I have taken her to her primary vet to be examined twice- the 1st time we took her they said it was either a possible sprain that would eventually heal itself or it could be early onset arthritis. Two weeks had passed and she needed a refill on her pain medication & condition hadn’t gotten any better, so when we took her back for the 2nd time all they could tell us was that we needed to see an Ortho to get her x-rays because the clinic didn’t do them there. On April 13th 2023, we took Kiki to her consultation where she got her leg X-rays & the Dr. completely shocked us with the news that my baby has been diagnosed with Osteosarcoma-an aggressive malignant tumor of the bone. She also discovered a small heart murmur which can affect what type of treatment she can get for the cancer. Next we ordered imaging of chest X-rays & can not visibly see that the cancer spread to her lungs as of right now, which is where it commonly spreads next.

Next steps.

The necessary steps of treatment to ensure her a better quality of life are to amputate her right leg, following with chemotherapy & more X-rays to make sure that there were no microscopic cancer cells at the time of her diagnosis. Her surgery is scheduled for April 19th & she will undergo observation from 24-36 hours following her procedure. However, the Dr. says she is already ambulating very well on 3 legs & as such she believes is a great candidate for the forelimb amputation & anticipates that she will bounce back very nicely from surgery. She is a warrior & she won’t let this hold her back from being the outgoing, silly, loving girl that she is. ❣️

Bear with me as I am still learning how to blog, let alone process all that’s happened this week, any tips or tricks on this would be greatly appreciated. We will of course keep you all updated.

With Love❤️

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